It has been a few days since my last post - the reason - away trekking in those wonderful Annapurna mountain trails. The trip has been amazing we have experienced all types of weather afternoon storms that last for 30 minutes then glorious sunshine. Yesterday we arrived in Chitwan and it is HOT! We woke at 530 am breakfast at 6am and departed for our canoe ride down the Rapti river at 630. On the 1 hour paddle we were very excited to come across a rhino in the water we were so close that we could nearly reach out and touch him he knew we were there the ears were up and the nose twitching then he decided to stand up in about 1 foot of water and come towards us, we were saved by out guide and driver beating sticks to scare him away phew what a releive we all survived one very nervous experience. We also took part in the elephant washing and now the girls are out on elephant safari hopefully they will spot a tiger!! Tomorrow we fly to Kathmandu and stay overnight in Bhaktapur a UNESCO city and then 2 nights in Kathmandu before the trip ends. Here are some great photos Namaste for now.